Ovulation Tracker/calculator for blogger website and html app builder.
Ovulation Tracker is a simple blogger And WordPress script that enable blog/website owners transform their site or Web page into ovulation tracking tool. With This tool, users (ladies) can track their ovulation, fertility window and next period days. You can use this script on your blogger website, WordPress site, apps or any web page that supports html code.
This code is clean and simple, just copy and paste without additional plugin or API
Full Customization
Save history for later use
99% accuracy
How to use the code on your website
This script works well on blogger and WordPress website and any website builder that supports html file.
> Create a new page or post (ensure you have access to your website html editor)
>Switch your page from text editor to html editor
> Highlight and copy the entire code and paste on your website, then save.
>Add your ads display code to start earning.
How to use the code to create android apps:
This method is applicable to all app builder that supports html code. But we recommend using our pro Manager app or appcreator24 for simplicity.
Assuming you are using our pro Manager app follow the steps:
>Create a new app, and fill the necessary details such as name and icon.
>Create a new section (new screen) and select html component.
>Copy and paste the code and save.
>Launch your app and test.
>Monetize your app with Admob or any other alternative.
>Upload your app and share.